Cell Biology Methods to Study Recombinant Proteins in Seeds

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SEEK ID: https://ibisbahub.eu/publications/5

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2241-4_4

Projects: PlanOvac

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Recombinant Proteins in Plants

Book Title: Recombinant Proteins in Plants

Editors: Stefan Schillberg and Holger Spiegel

Publisher: Springer US

Citation: Recombinant Proteins in Plants 2480:61-80,Springer US

Date Published: 2022

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Machtelt Braaksma, Elsa Arcalís, Elena S Martens-Uzunova, Emanuela Pedrazzini, Peter J Punt, Ulrike Hörmann-Dietrich, Peter J Schaap, Alessandro Vitale, Eva Stoger

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Arcalís, E., Pedrazzini, E., Hörmann-Dietrich, U., Vitale, A., & Stoger, E. (2022). Cell Biology Methods to Study Recombinant Proteins in Seeds. In Methods in Molecular Biology (pp. 61–80). Springer US. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-2241-4_4

Views: 1635

Created: 30th Nov 2022 at 13:10

Last updated: 30th Nov 2022 at 13:11

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