Related items
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, TRANSCRIPTPROM - Integrative and comparative analyses of response of Pichia pastoris, FLOX: FLavin-containing OXidoreductases, PlanOvac, Muconic Acid Production, HIGHFLUX, Promoters 4 Pichia, An inventory of the Aspergillus niger secretome by combining in silico predictions with shotgun proteomics data, Template library, Evocolour - The evolution and genetics of Flavobacteria forming structurally coloured colonies for sustainable biomaterials, Extreme - Genomic approach for extremozymes screening of thermophilic/anaerobic Caldicoprobacter algerensis strain, HMOzyme, PILOT-MP - Pilot scale process development for microbial proteins, UMB - Upscaling and optimisation of microalgae production for bivalves hatchery, Public announcements and documents, IBISBA Library, Biocare, MEOX, Coculture, YarroFuels, PlasticPutida, Lipro-alga, Curated Protocols Library, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables, Cyanofcs, Example testing project
Institutions: Administration, UNIMAN - The University of Manchester
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, Yeast Glycerol, Promoters 4 Pichia, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables
Institutions: UAB - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Expertise: Metabolic engineering, metabolic modelling, systems biology, MFA, Mathematical Modelling, Fluxomics, Microbiology, Closed ecologycal systems, Pichia pastoris, photosynthetic bacteria, Kinetic modelling
Tools: Fermentation, Metabolomics, Model organisms, Microbiology, Mathematical Modelling, Matlab, ODE, Computational and theoretical biology, metabolic flux analysis, COBRA, Copasi, RAVEN, metabolic modelling
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, FLOX: FLavin-containing OXidoreductases, PlanOvac, HIGHFLUX, SporeDel, Yeast Glycerol, Galambr, SULFOCEL, An inventory of the Aspergillus niger secretome by combining in silico predictions with shotgun proteomics data, Template library, Muconic Acid Production in Yeast, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables, Biocare, test, DBTL-P, Upscale of the biocatalytic transformation of Free Fatty Acids into high-value products (BIOFFA), B-PAC, BIOFFA, GLYCOMICS, KorallionBio, MAROX, PROTEIFROM, SUPI
Institutions: UNIMAN - The University of Manchester, UAB - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, INSAT - Institut National des Science Appliquees de Toulouse, VTT - Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy, VITO - Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V.
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, SULFOCEL, PlanOvac, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables, ITINERIS-IBBR-NA
Institutions: CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Expertise: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Communication
WP leader of "Communication, Outreach and Dissemination" and Head of the Italian Joint Laboratory ProtEnz.
The research activity of Dr. B. Cobucci Ponzano concerns the study of the structure / function relationship of proteins and enzymes and of the mechanistic aspects related to hydrolysis and to enzymatic synthesis of glycosides. In particular, it deals with enzymes that modify carbohydrates (glycosidase) mainly from (hyper) thermophilic microorganisms, especially Archaea. In the lasts years, ...
Projects: Uncurated Protocols Library, IBISBA 1.0 deliverables, PREP-IBISBA deliverables
Institutions: INSAT - Institut National des Science Appliquees de Toulouse
Expertise: Biotechnology, Synthetic biology
Tools: Microbiology, Genetic modification
Responsible of the Transnational Access of IBISBA1.0
Research Director at INRA Director Life Sciences at Toulouse White Biotechnology
This project collects together the IBISBA 1.0 deliverables
Programme: IBISBA public documents
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
This project compiles all IBISBA-related policy notes and reports that are neither delivrables nor milestones, created for public dissemination.
Programme: IBISBA public documents
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
This project make available the deliverables of the PREP-IBISBA project
Programme: IBISBA public documents
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Following the ESFRI recommendations for monitoring Research Infrastructures (Projects and Landmarks), this document relates to the final set of KPIs for IBISBA. It describes the work perfomed and the main findings, pariculalry:
- the methodology applied to define KPIs and the mains sources of documentation and benchmark
- the steps to define IBISBA's vision and mission,
- the identification of IBISBA's strategic goals and operational objectives
- the final set of 29 quantitaives and 41 qualitative ...
Creators: Sonia Debeche, Michael O'Donohue, Jack Legrand, Marco Moracci, Marie Ancelin
Submitter: Sonia Debeche
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
IBISBA is a distributed research infrastructure designed to support the development of industrial biotechnology in Europe and worldwide, as an enabling technology of the circular bioeconomy. Accordingly, IBISBA provides a range of services frequently attributed to research infrastructures, while aiming to support end-to-end bioprocess development, nurturing strong interoperability between its members to achieve this. IBISBA entered the ESFRI Roadmap in 2018 as a research infrastructure project. ...
Creators: Sonia Debeche, Michael O'Donohue, Jack Legrand, Marco Moracci, Heleen De Wever, Marie Ancelin
Submitter: Sonia Debeche
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
The MoU is a non-binding framework for cooperation between IBISBA partners. It was finalized in 2022 and has been signed by 20 RTOs and
Creators: Michael O'Donohue, Sonia Debeche, Gilles Bariteau, Paulina Tukiainen, All PREP-IBISBA consortium members, notably legal staff
Submitter: Michael O'Donohue
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
Deliverable 3.4 describing a roadmap to create IBISBA-ERIC.
Addressing a gap in European industrial biotechnology, IBISBA’s mission is to provide world-class cutting-edge research infrastructure services enabling the development of industrial biotechnology as a technological cornerstone of the circular bioeconomy. In this regard, IBISBA aims to contribute to the delivery of Europe’s ambition to be the first climate neutral continent in 2050. To fulfil its mission, IBISBA is building an interoperable ...
Creators: Michael O'Donohue, Paulina Tukiainen, Sonia Debeche, Mauro di Fenza for art work
Submitter: Michael O'Donohue
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays