IBISBA’s mission as a distributed European research infrastructure is to provide world-class cutting-edge research and innovation services enabling the development of biotechnology as a technology cornerstone of the circular bioeconomy. To achieve this, IBISBA integrates Europe’s leading public-operated research infrastructure facilities into a coordinated business environment.
The H2020 PREP-IBISBA project is designed to finalize the design and prepare IBISBA for future operation. To achieve this the project is organized into several work packages that focus on different aspects of the infrastructure, including its business model, legal structure, and scientific and technological strategy.
Specifically, regarding this report the PREP-IBISBA project sets out to carefully design IBISBA’s digital service framework, describing the e-tools and e-infrastructure needed to deliver all IBISBA services and ensure efficient business operations. In this report, we present the first draft of the digital service framework that will be a “blueprint” for further design of the necessary e-tools and e-infrastructure to support EU-IBISBA’s science and business processes, and for the FAIR stewardship of its assets (data, models, analytical workflows, SOPs, science processes and so on). The necessary e-infrastructure proposed will be an ecosystem of software utilities and application codes, computational resources, datasets, and data management and analytics platforms. IBISBA’s goal is to support FAIR by Design: from the first steps of producing FAIR data and Data Management Planning to the final steps of depositing data in public archives and enabling its reuse. Thus data will need to be managed at every step of the Research Data lifecycle.
The report presents a draft architecture for the IBISBA digital infrastructure, including a FAIR IBISBA digital Infrastructure and Interoperability Framework, and discussions on Intellectual property, Digital security and mapping of services to the RDM Lifecycle. The report concludes with next steps.

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Created: 23rd Sep 2021 at 13:49
Last updated: 23rd Sep 2021 at 13:49

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Version 1 (earliest) Created 23rd Sep 2021 at 13:49 by IBISBA Admin
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