Dr. Maria Suarez Diez is assistant professor at the Laboratory of Systems and Synthetic Biology at Wageningen University & Research.
Dr. Suarez Diez studied physics and obtained her PhD at the Physics Department of the University of Oviedo (Spain) in 2006. Her thesis work was on the cosmological implications of (super)string theory. Then she held post-doc positions at Ecole Polytechnique (France), at Helmholtz Zentrum (Germany) and at Wageningen University & Research (the Netherlands). Since April 2017 she holds a permanent position at Wageningen University & Research.
Her research is focused on building and using mathematical and statisical models to gain systems level understanding of the dynamics of cellular networks. She has extensively worked in generating and deploying models of metabolism of microorganisms (bacterial and fungi), in studying microbial communities and on large scale integration of heterogeneous datasets. Her work exploits semantic technologies to develop powerful and scalable bioinformatics systems to facilitate prediction of complex phenotypes from multiple heterogeneous sources.
SEEK ID: https://ibisbahub.eu/people/68
Joined: 19th Sep 2018
Expertise: Bioinformatics, systems biology, metabolic modelling
Tools: Matlab, Python, R, metabolic flux analysis, Computational and theoretical biology