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This reprot describes achievements so far regarding the construction of IBISBA, a European distributed initiative that aims to provide a world-class infrastructure, enabling cutting-edge research and supporting the development of biotechnology towards a circular economy.

The report was prepared as a support docuement for the 1st Steering Committee meeting that took place online on the 17th June 2021. The document reports progress and provides some indications of next steps in the conception and ...

Formats agreed to be used in IBISBA

List of IBISBA tools

Creator: IBISBA Admin

Submitter: IBISBA Admin

This document constitutes deliverable 4.4 of the IBISBA 1.0 project. IBISBA 1.0 receives funding from the EU H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730976.

Creators: Michael O'Donohue, Julieta Cabello; Laurie Rey; Olivier Rolland

Submitter: Michael O'Donohue

DOI: 10.34701/ibisba.1.document.32.1

The IBISBA Communication and Dissemination Plan outlines the strategy for promoting IBISBA’s mission, activities, and results to key stakeholders, including researchers, policymakers, industry partners, and the broader scientific community.

Based on the Europe Science project template, the DMP outlines the basic strategy for managing data within IBISBA-IT.

Creator: Mauro Di Fenza

Submitter: Mauro Di Fenza

A set of agreed identification schemes to be used within the IBISBA project to reference resources

A vision paper describing the founding principles behind IBISBA

A summary of what is considered to have come out of the WP6/WP7 f2f

Creators: IBISBA Admin, WP6 and WP7 team

Submitter: IBISBA Admin

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IBISBA is a pan-European research infrastructure that is currently funded by the EU Horizon 2020 projects
IBISBA 1.0 (grant agreement number 730976) and PREP-IBISBA (grant agreement number 871118).
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