What is a Document?This reprot describes achievements so far regarding the construction of IBISBA, a European distributed initiative that aims to provide a world-class infrastructure, enabling cutting-edge research and supporting the development of biotechnology towards a circular economy.
The report was prepared as a support docuement for the 1st Steering Committee meeting that took place online on the 17th June 2021. The document reports progress and provides some indications of next steps in the conception and ...
Creators: Michael O'Donohue, Mauro Di Fenza
Submitter: Michael O'Donohue
This policy note is the second one produced by IBISBA. It briefly describes international developments in the field of industrial biotechnology and alerts on the fact that Europe risks to lose its competitive edge.
Creators: Michael O'Donohue, Vitor Martins dos Santos, Marie Ancelin, Mauro Di Fenza, Merja Penttilä
Submitter: Michael O'Donohue
This first IBISBA policy brief provides an overview of state of play in industrial biotechnology and underlines the need for further investment in Europe.
Creators: Michael O'Donohue, Mauro Di Fenza, Sonia Debeche, Merja Penttilä, Vitor Martins dos Santos, Members of the IBISBA 1.0 project consortium
Submitter: Michael O'Donohue